
What is NBC Youth about?
NBC Youth’s motto is to be 'God’s Family on mission making disciples of Jesus.' We want your child to feel as though they belong, have a purpose, and an established and unwavering identity. Our goal is to show them how they can have all those things through the love of God in Jesus.

Are the leaders qualified to take care of my children?
Yes! Your child’s wellbeing is our highest concern so all the leaders have current Working with Children numbers and they have been trained in safe ministry procedures according to the governments legislation.

Does it cost anything?
If it’s your first time, it’s absolutely free! If you’re regular and willing, we would love it if you could provide $2 to cover some of the cost for supper and to help support our sponsor child.

Can someone pick up my child and drop them off?
We want your child to be with us when we gather! So if you can’t get them to youth, we would love to be able to help. Contact Daniel to organise a lift for your child.

Where is NBC Youth?
On most weeks we will meet at Narrabeen Baptist Church (13 Grenfell Ave, Narrabeen). If we are meeting offsite, we will do our best to let everyone know.

How do I keep up with what is happening at NBC Youth?
We ask students to provide their contact details and their parents when they come along to NBC Youth for the first time. This is in case of emergencies and it also means we can keep you up to date with what’s happening at NBC Youth.

If you would like to know what is happening at NBC Youth, provide your contact details here.

Who can I talk to about my child?
Each year group has a male and female leader. So the bestperson to speak to is your child’s year group leader. If you’re unsure who that is, then you can ask Daniel. Otherwise you can speak to Daniel!

What if we aren’t Christian?
We would love you to join us if you aren’t a Christian! NBC Youth is a great place to come and to learn about Jesus. We frequently have visitors pop-in to hear about Jesus and some even choose to hang around.

What are you teaching my children?

At NBC Youth we are pretty focused on preaching the Gospel to our students. The Gospel is the good news of Jesus coming to save humanity from their sin problem and show them how they should live in God’s kingdom. 

Most the time we will be preaching through a book in the Bible. Or at other times we will be addressing specific topics from the Bible.