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On Sunday at church Daniel preached on what Biblical wisdom has to say about decision making. Please make sure you have watched Sunday’s sermon before Community Group.


Begin with silence and prayer 

[5 minutes]

Sit down, get comfortable and ask someone to pray aloud for the study.

Then spend a few minutes in silence. Ask God to help us remove distractions from our minds, listen to what He is saying to and through each of us and change our lives accordingly.



Reflect on last week’s study application (smaller groups)

[5 minutes]

Last week Leon asked us about our insecurities that are built on our ‘confidence in the flesh’. Discuss whether this week has been a week where you have found new ways to establish your confidence in Christ. If so, how did you do that? 



Open to the Bible together (whole group)

[25 minutes]

Pick some of these questions to guide your discussion. 

KNOW GOD “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” Proverbs 1:7

-        Why doesn’t God just tell us the right choice with all the big decisions we face? 

-        Do you find that over time your desires are becoming more in line with God’s desires? 

GATHER INFORMATION “The first to plead his case seems right, until another comes and examines him.” Proverbs 18:13

-        When have you made a poor decision from lack of information? 

-        What are some future decisions you will likely need to make? How can you prepare for these decisions? 

ASK ADVICE “Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is victory.” Proverbs 11:14

-        What prevents you from seeking counsel in decisions? 

-        Who are your go-to people for advice in your decisions? Are they worthy of that status in your life? 

-        We are told to seek “an abundance of counselors”. How many people would you tap on the shoulder for a big decision? 

PRAY “Indeed, if you call aloud for insight and cry aloud for understanding… then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.” Proverbs 2:3-5.

-        How do you normally pray in decision-making? 

-        What are some things that we can pray fro that we already know are God’s will for us? 

DECIDE! “He works out everything according to the purpose of his will” Ephesians 1:11

-        What strategies have you used (coin-flip, pros vs. cons, decision tree, etc.) to help you in coming to a decision? 

-        Do you find yourself waiting for confirmation from God before making big decisions? 

-        Are you prone to second-guess and play “what if…?” after you have made a decision? How can you avoid this?



Application for the coming week: 

[15 minutes]

A big part of Biblical decision-making is learning to trust God and lean on him in the difficult process, and then learning to trust him with the decisions once they are made. 

We can never have certainty that our decisions are the right decision. Even when we follow the process and choose what seems to be right, Proverbs tells us, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” (16:25)

-        When have you seen this occur in your life? 

-        How did that situation challenge you to trust God? 

Trusting God grows like a muscle. The more it’s exercised, the bigger it grows.

-        What are some other things that have happened in your life that have helped you to trust God? 


Close in prayer 

[15 minutes]