‘God comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.’ 2 Corinthians 1:4




Ministry Team

Leon Stead - Senior Pastor
0415 515 439

Travis Mundy - Pastor
0435 564 314

Kieran Degan - Pastor
0422 734 830

Daniel Leach - Youth Director
0448 326 699

Church Office
9913 8678

Confidentiality: Information shared with an NBC Carer or coordinator remains confidential, and permission must be obtained before sharing with a third party.

‘We love because he first loved us.’ 1 John 4:19

We care because Jesus shows us what true care looks like, deeply understanding and loving us (John 10:14-15). As His love overflows in us, we are called to love one another (John 13:34).

At Narrabeen Baptist Church, we aim to care for each other with humility and kindness. Caring is everyone’s responsibility and can be shown through support, prayer, visits, encouragement, and practical help like meals.

Care starts by reaching out to those in need, listening, and offering support through words and actions.


  • Sunday Services: Our gatherings are a time to receive care through God’s Word and Spirit, and to care for each other as we connect (Colossians 3:16).

  • Prayer Clusters: After each service, pastors, Elders, and NBC Care Team members are available in the front right-hand seats to listen, pray, and offer support.

  • Community Groups: These are places to share life and support one another. If needs go beyond the group, the leader can refer you to others.

  • Elders: Elders are available after services and on the first Wednesday of each month to pray and respond to needs (James 5:14).

  • NBC Care Team: This team supports those with extra needs, offering emotional, spiritual, and practical help like visits, meals, and transportation. NBC Carers are trained volunteers.


If you belong to a Community Group:

  1. Share your situation with the group for support.

  2. If more support is needed, the group will ask for your permission to contact NBC Care and a pastor. Care will be coordinated from there.

If you don’t belong to a Community Group

You can share your situation with someone at church, visit the 'Prayer Cluster,' or contact the office at 9913 8678 or email NBC Care. In emergencies, contact any pastor.

Further support

Church leaders and NBC Care leaders may refer you to specialists or professional help if needed. The Compassion Budget is available for financial assistance.