Mini-Series: Grace & Truth

ver the next two weeks, we’ll be bringing a miniseries called “Grace and Truth” that seeks to apply these principles to our discipleship and our public discourse.⁠

Week 1, we’ll look at truth and we’ll ask the question: in a world of many options, how can I be sure I’m believing the right thing. We’re not looking into the Bible as truth, we’re taking that as a given, what we are looking at is how to best discern truth in non-Biblical matters – think about the many opinions around those issues the Bible doesn’t directly address. How can we responsibly seek out truth as a Christian?⁠

Week 2 will be all about grace. How can we graciously and lovingly disagree with others? How can we hold to the truth, yet still be in fellowship and maintain friendships with those who think differently? We’ll think both of our relationships in the church and our witness to those outside the church.⁠

At NBC we believe it is essential to our fellowship and our public witness that we get these things right.

How to discern Truth
Kieran Degan - 10 October 2021
How Do We Argue Well?
Kieran Degan - 17 October 2021
2021, Sermons, SingleKatie Bosler